Eligible Candidate List ANM OST SIRSA
Not Eligible Candidate List ANM OST SIRSA 1
Not Eligible Candidate List for the Post of Ayush Pharmacist
Advertisement for the post of ANM (OST) under NACO
Late Received Form July 2022
Not Eligible Candidate List for the post of Psychatrist Social Worker
Not Eligible Candiadte List RBSK Coordinator
Eligible Candidate for the Post of Psychatrist Social Worker
Final Result for the post of AMO Ayush
Final Result for the post of Yoga Specialist
Selection criteria 20.09.2021
Advertisement of Various Posts under NHM for 2022-23
Eligible Candidates list for the post of AMO AYUSH
Final Result for the post of Councellor under Aids Society
Notice for cancellation of Written exam AMO AYUSH
Eligible candidates for interview for the post of Yoga Specialist
Eligible Candidates list for the post of AMO AYUSH
Eligible Candidates list for the post of Yoga Specialist AYUSH
Corrigendum regarding written exam for the posts of AYUSH
Eligible candidates list for the post of AYUSH Medical Officer
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