राष्ट्रीय स्वास्थ्य मिशन



  • PSU


Final Result of Sanitary inspector under IDSP
Final Reult for the post of PHM
Final Result for the post of District Programme Coordinator under NPCDCS
Advertisement for the various post under NHM as on dt 01-02-2023
Provisional Document Verification list for the post of Sanitary Inspector
Provisional Document Verification list for the post of PHM
Provisional Document Verification list for the post of DPC under NOCDCS
Advertisement for the Post of Specialists under NHM
Provisional Eligible list for the post of DPC under NPCDCS
Provisional Eligible Candidates list for the post of Public Health Manager
Provisional Eligible list for the post of Sanitary Inspector under IDSP
Final Result for the post of LT under NTEP and NUHM advt no.-4 dt 02-08-2022
Final result for the post of LT under IDSP, Mol. lab. advt no-7 dt 31-08-2022
Candidate who did not qualify the essential qualification as per advertisement for the post of Multi Rehabilitation Worker.
Final Result for the post of MO under XVFC
Final Result for th e post of Lab Technician under NTEP
Advertisement of Walk in interview of Various posts under NHM, HSHRC & XVFC
List of Candidates who did not qualify the essentail qualification as per advertisement.
Corrigendum for Cancelation of Selection of one ANM -MH of BCB Catagory
Public Notice for documents verification
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Odhan and Aboobshehar

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